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Robin Vowels · January 5, 2021 at 12:45 pm

Very good to see that you have some DEUCE parts,
including some of the removeable chassis from the mainframe.
There’s a part of the front panel, where the two CRTs were.

The magnetic drum from UTECOM (a DEUCE) has been preserved in a
museum in the U.S.A. I might be able to find a photograph of it for you.

Alex Lockhart · April 5, 2022 at 9:34 pm

I remember the DEUCE

I had a posting to the National Engineering Laboratory in 1961 and wrote a few programs.
There was a useful language “Alphacode” which made life a wee bit easier. All very primitive by today’s methods.

I moved on to work on the ICT 1300 and wrote some “impossible” programs, modified Initial Orders to boot from paper tape or mag tape. Happy days (and long night debugging!)

James · November 26, 2022 at 3:56 pm

Very interesting, bit before my time as i was reared on dos. (286 chipsets at the earliest)

Moved to Wiggers from London in 2015, didnt realise this trove was so close.

Mr Leslie Briddon · June 20, 2023 at 8:22 pm

Just wondering with your pics of LJ electronics dev boards if you had ever come across a “tina”?


Joshua Kulzyck · September 26, 2023 at 1:09 am

I was wondering if you would know where I can find a Gerber file for the SIM8-01 Board. I was contemplating building a Mark-8 replica, when I found out about this SIM8-01 on YouTube when I saw a video of a 1972 Univac SIM8-01 8008 & since, I’ve been wanting to recreate one of my own instead of the Mark-8 (which I was able to find Gerber files for but not the SIM8-01)! I would be so grateful for any help you can give in getting a Gerber file for the 3 boards! Love this old Retro Stuff! Use to build old Tube & Transistor HAM & Shortwave Radio’s & got hooked on Retro Computers when I put together a full size exact replica kit of a ’71 uKenbak-01 & am ready for something more challenging! Anyways, thanks for your time & any help you can provide!
Joshua Kulzyck

Howard Bardsley · March 18, 2024 at 5:23 pm

The DEUCE was my first introduction to computing in 1969 as a first year at North Staffs Poly (now Staffordshire Uni). Stafford itself had an English Electric company sited in the town and maybe there was a connection there. The huge number of valves meant that DEUCE would easily fail; the generated heat from them on a hot summer’s day caused the mercury in the storage delay lines to expand, and therefore all hope of a successful programming run to be rendered useless. The only means of air conditioning was to open the windows in hope of a cool breeze wafting in! Such is our early computing history, not to be forgotten.

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